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Financimet IPARD


This project is co-funded by the european union and the albanian government

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321 Investim(e)
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M1 - Fruit and Vegetables…

M1 - Fruit and Vegetables…

M1 - Fruit and Vegetables…

Investimi qe shoqeria Gjedra sh.p.k planifikon te kryeje sipas Mases 3 jane: Ndertim i ri magazine p…

"Company Riviera 2008" shpk investon ne ngritjen e nje magazine e cila do te jete ne funksion te gru…

M3 - Fruit and vegetables processing…

Grumbullim dh anatomizim i mishit te fresket, 8 dhoma frigoriferike si dhe ambjente per punonjesit…

M3 - Meat processing…

Investimi ka te bej me ndertimin e ri te godines dhe pajisjet e linjes se perpunimit te qumeshtit dh…